What Will You Buy On Payday?

The wealthy, middle class, and poor will buy different things next payday.   Watch the video below to see what they buy, and to learn how to create wealth on ANY income. Increase your confidence about money… Spend more time with your family… Start making passive income… Take our free financial readiness quiz, and learn […]

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6 Proven Ways to Negotiate a Higher Salary

Job seekers spend so much time fine-tuning résumés and preparing for interviews that they are often unprepared for the salary proposal that accompanies a job offer. The company has made a significant investment in filling that vacancy and may be willing to come to more attractive terms, but many candidates fail to realize that employers […]

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The Four Must-Knows About Financial Literacy

Given the huge costs of financial illiteracy, and the lack of true financial education in everyday life, it is important to cover the four foundations of financial literacy. These four foundations are the baseline for a truly comprehensive financial education: 1 – The Difference Between an Asset and a Liability Many people think they know what […]

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Recommended Opportunity

This opportunity is offered by Patric Chan, an internet marketer using Clickbank to generate millions. Here’s your opportunity to CLONE his entire proven internet business system today! I love this opportunity because you can choose an interest and, with no experience, turn it into an online business by following 5 simple steps.

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